guns, germs and steel, by Jared Diamond, 910.03 DIA
A Short History of Nearly Everything, by Bill Bryson, 509 BRY
The Selfish Gene, by Richard Dawkins, 575.1 DAW
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot, 616.027 SKL
Ocean of Life, by Callum Roberts, 577.7 ROB
Cells to Civilizations, by Enrico Coen, 570 COE
Bad Science, by Ben Goldacre, 500 GOL
The Book of Barely Imagined Beings, by Casper Henderson, 590 HEN
The Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin, 575 DAR
The Vaccine Race, by Wadman, Meredith, 614.524 WAD
In The Shadow Of Man, by Jane Goodall, 599.884 GOO
The Butchering Art, by Lindsey Fitzharris, 617.092 FIT
Origin Of Humankind, by Richard Leaky, 575 LEA
Silent Spring, by Rachel Carson, 333.72 CAR
Stem Cells, by Jonathan Slack, 616 SLA
Medical Ethics, by Tony Hope, 610 HOP
Advice to a Young Scientist, by P.B. Medwar, 500 MED
Darwin, by Jonathan Howard, 576 HOW
The Science of Everyday Life, by Marty Jopson, 500 JOP
Stuff Matters, by Mark Miodownik, 500 MIO
The Manga Guide to Biochemistry, by Masaharu Takemura & Office Sawa, 572 TAK