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Molecules of Murder, by John Emsley, 615.9 EMS
The Disappearing Soon, by Sam Kean, 546 KEA
The Spark of Life, by Frances Ashcroft, 612 ASH
Bad Science, by Ben Goldacre, 500 GOL
Periodic Tales, by Hugh Aldersey-Williams, 546 ALD
The Periodic Table, by Eric R. Scerri, 546.8 SCE
Periodic Table, by Primo Levi, 546.8 LEV
The Oil Road, by James Marriott, 338.27 MAR
Uncle Tungsten, by Oliver Sacks, 540 SAC
Napoleon's Buttons, by Le Couteur, Penny, 541 LEC
General Chemistry, by Linus Pauling, 540 PAU
Salt, Sugar, Fat, by Michael Moss, 664 MOS
Longitude, by Dava Sobel, 681 SOB
The Science of Everyday Life, by Marty Jopson, 500 JOP
Advice to a Young Scientist, by P.B. Medwar, 500 MED
Stuff Matters, by Mark Miodownik, 500 MIO
Mauve, by Simon Garfield, 535.609 GAR
The Manga Guide to Biochemistry, by Masaharu Takemura & Office Sawa, 572 TAK
The Radium Girls, by Kate Moore, 363.119 MOO
Chaos, by James Gleick, 530.1 GLE
Oxygen, by Nick Lane, 546.721 LAN
Caesar's Last Breath, by Sam Kean, 551.51 KEA
H2O, by Philip Ball, 553.7 BAL
Reactions, by Peter Atkins, 541.39 ATK
Chernobyl, by Serhii Plokhy, 363.179 PLO
Elegant Solutions, by Philip Ball, 540.724 BAL