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Courtesans and Fishcakes, by James Davidson, 938.6 DAN
Persian Fire, by Tom Holland, 938.1 HOL
The Ancient City, by Peter Connolly, 937.5 COL
The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization, by Simon Hornblower, 937 HOR
The Aeneid, by Virgil, 870 VIR
The Illiad, by Homer, 883 HOM
The Odyssey, by Homer, 883 HOM
The Classical World, by Robin Lane Fox, 930 FOX
Greek Tragedy, by Laura Swift, 882.01 SWI
It’s A Don’s Life , by Mary Beard, 937 BEA
Greek Tragedy, by Marion Baldock, 882 BAL
Aristophanes And His Theatre Of The Absurd, by Paul Cartledge, 882 CAR
Aristophanes And Athens, by Douglas MacDowell, 882 DOU
I, Claudius, by Robert Graves, 937 GRA
The Mighty Dead, by Adam Nicolson, 883 NIC
The Greeks: A Portrait of Self and Others, by Paul Cartledge, 882 CAR
Classics, by Mary Beard, 870 BEA
Latin Literature , by Susanna Braund, 871 BRA
Amo, Amas, Amat, by Harry Mount, 870 MOU
Rubicon, by Tom Holland, 937 HOL
Classical Literature, by Richard Jenkyns , 880 JEN
Dynasty, Tom Holland, 937 HOL
Rome: An Empire’s Story, by Greg Woolf, 937 WOO
t's All Greek to Me, by Charlotte Higgins, 938 HIG
Latin Love Lessons, by Charlotte Higgins, 871 HIG
Imperium, by Robert Harris, F HAR