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Principles of Computer Science, by Reynolds, Carl, 004 REY
Python and Tkinter Programming, by John E. Grayson, 005.1 GRA
Raspberry Pi Projects, by Norris, Donald, 004.16 NOR
Computer Science, by Brookshear, Glenn, 004 BRO
Python Crash Course, by Matthes, Eric, 006.76 MAT
Python Playground, by Mahesh Venkitachalam, 006.76 VEN
Invent with Python, by Albert Sweigart, 006.76 SWE
More Python Programming, by Jonathan Harbour, 005.133 HAR
Raspberry Pi For Kids, by Richard Wentik, 004.167 WEN
Computer Science, by Subrata Dasgupta, 004 DAS
Android Application Development All-in-One For Dummies, by Barry Burd004 BUR
SQL: Learn SQL (using MySQL) in One Day and Learn It Well, by Jamie Chan, 004 CHA
SQL QuickStart Guide, by Walter Shields, 004 SHI