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The Empty Space, by Peter Brook, 792 BRO
The Complete Stanislasky Toolkit, by Bella Merlin, 792.02 MER
The Theatre and It's Double, by Antonin Artaud, 792 ART
Towards a Poor Theatre, by Jerzy Grotowski, 792.01 GRO
The Theatre of the Absurd, by Martin Esslin, 792 ESS
The Complete Brecht Toolkit, by Stephen Unwin, 792.02 UNW
The Theatre of Bertolt Brecht, by John Willett, 792 WIL
An Actor Prepares, by Constantin Stanislavski, 792.028 STA
The Contemporary Ensemble, Duska Radosavljevic, 792 RAD
Steven Berkoff and the Theatre of Self-Performance, by Robert Cross, 792 CRO
Theatre in Practice, by Nick O'Brien, 792 O'B
Modern Drama, by Kristen E. Shepherd-Barr, 792 SHE
Physical Theatres, by Simon Keefe, 792 KEE