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The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, by David Crystal, 802 CRY
Spell It Out, by David Crystal, 421.52 CRY
The English Language, by David Crystal, 802 CRY
The Life of Slang, by Julie Coleman, 427 COL
The Adventure of English, by Melvynn Bragg, 420.9 BRA
Languages and Sexism, by Sara Mills, 408.2 MIL
Language, Society & Power, by Annabelle Mooney, 401 MOO
Alphabet to Email, by Naomi S. Baron, 802 BAR
Gwynne's Grammar, by N.M. Gwynne, 425 GWY
Watching the English, by Kate Fox, 420 FOX
Attitudes To Language, by Dan Clayton, 401.4 CLA
Language And Gender, by Felicity Titjen, 401.4 TIT
Language And Power, by Gary Ives, 401.4 IVE
Language Diversity And World Englishes, by Dan Clayton, 401.4 CLA
The Language Of Literature, by Marcello Giovanelli, 401.4 GIO
Language Development, by Rachel Rudman, 401.4 RUD
Narrative, by Marcello Giovanelli, 401.4 GIO
Text Analysis And Representation, by Ian Cushing, 401.4 CUS