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Unapologetic, by Francis Spufford, 230 SPU
The Great Philosophers, by Stephen Law, 109.2 LAW
A Short History of Ethics, by Alasdair MacIntyre, 170 MAC
Christianophobia, by Rupert Shortt, 272.9 SHO
The Puzzle of the Gospels, by Peter Vardy, 226 VAR
Reform and Conflict, by Rudolph W. Heinze, 270 HEI
The Celtic Way, by Ian Bradley, 274.1 BRA
The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis, 216 LEW
What Does It All Mean?, by Thomas Nagel, 100 NAG
A Little History of Philosophy, by Nigel Warburton, 190 WAR
Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion, by Brian Davies, 210 DAV
Philosophy: The Basics, by Nigel Warburton, 100 WAR
The Philosophy Book, by DK London, 100
Moral Problems, by Michael Palmer, 170
Introduction to Christianity, by Joseph Ratzinger, 230 RAT
The Religions Book, by DK London, 290
The Puzzle of Ethics, by Peter Vardy, 170 VAR
The Puzzle of Sex, by Peter Vardy, TBA