
  1. No Logo, by Naomi Klein, 910.03 KLE

  2. The Oil Road, by James Marriott, 338.27 MAR

  3. Touching the Void, by Joe Simpson, 920 SIM

  4. Notes from a Small Island, by Bill Bryson, 914.2 BRY

  1. How Bad are Bananas?, by Mike Berners-Lee, 363 LEE

  2. Tropic of Capricorn, by Simon Reeve, 910.913 REV

  3. The New Rulers Of The World, by John Pilger, 330 PIL

  4. The Bottom Billion, by Paul Collier, 337 COL

  1. Here On Earth, by Tim Flannery, 576 FLA

  2. The Spirit Level, by Kate Pickett, 305 PIC

  3. Red Nile, by Robert Twigger, 962 TWI

  4. Six Degrees, by Mark Lynas, 363 LYN

  1. Human Geography, by Andrew Jones, 304 JON

  2. Geography, by John A. Matthews, 910 MAT

  3. The Goldilocks Planet, by Jan Zalasiewicz & Mark Williams, 551.609 ZAL

  4. The Introductory Reader, by William G. Moseley, 304 MOS

  1. The Earth, Martin Redfern, 550 RED

  2. Nazare: Life & Death with the Big-Wave Surfers, by Matt Majendie, 797.320 MAJ

  3. Prisoners Of Geography, by Tim Marshall, 320 MAR

  4. The Silk Roads, by Peter Frankopan, 909 FRA

  1. The Living Planet, by David Attenborough, TBA

  2. Rebel Cities, by David Harvey, 303.372 HAR

  3. The Human Planet, by Simon L. Lewis & Mark A. Maslin, 304.2 LEW

  4. The Making of the British Landscape, by Nicolas Crane, TBA

  1. Border Wars, by Klaus Dodds, 320.12 DOD

  2. Do We Need Economic Inequality?, by Danny Dorling, 339.22 DOR

  3. Where Do Camels Belong?, by Ken Thompson, 578.62 THO

  4. Africa Is Not a Country, by Dipo Faloyin, 960.33 FAL

  1. A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things, by Raj Patel & Jason W. Moore, 303.44 PAT

  2. The Shock of the Anthropocene, by Christophe Bonneuil & Jean-Baptiste Fressoz, 304.2 BON

  3. Hurricane Lizards And Plastic Squid, by Thor Hanson, 577.22 HAN

  4. Ghosts of the Tsunami, by Richard Lloyd Parry, 952.0512 LLO

  1. Feral, by George Monbiot, 333.72 MON

  2. Slow Down, by Danny Dorling, 303.44 DOR

  3. Geography, by Danny Dorling & Carl Lee, 910 DOR